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ESTATE AUCTION: Tractor, Trailer, Truck, Blacksmith Equipment


Sunday, April 28th 1:00Pm

Cushing, OK

AUCTION LOCATION: 354208 E 770 Rd., Cushing, OK. From the intersection of Hwy 33 & Hwy 99 between Cushing & Drumright, go 6 miles South on Hwy 99 to E770 Rd., then 2 miles West on E770 to sale site. Watch for signs.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Due to the passing of Dave Mason, his widow has made the decision to sell the following absolutely to the highest bidders.

2007 Dodge 3500 dsl pickup, 4x4, 6 spd, flatbed, work ready


Massey Ferguson 573 dsl tractor w/ MF DL250 loader with joystick control, 4x4, dual remote

hyd., 3 pt, pto, shuttle shift, 1153 hours, barn kept

Massey Ferguson heavy duty 3 pt 7’ brush hog mdl 4007

S&H GN 3 horse slant trailer w/walk-in tack/dressing room

GN tandem axle 20’ utility trailer w/ treadplate floor, 6-hole wheels

16’ tandem axle bumper pull trailer

Farmall H narrow front tractor, setting for some time

5’ brush hog

(4) older steel horse stalls

10’ portable panels

(5) round bales grass hay

3 pt 5’ springtooth

2-wheel bale fork

3 pt 2 btm plow

3 pt 6’ disc

JD 640 side delivery rake w/ dolly wheel

3 pt post hole digger

Pickup bed trailer


Little Giant 25# trip hammer

Champion #400 forge blower

150 lb. anvil

100 lb. anvil

Post mount drill press

(2) forge pans

Forge tongs

Leg vise


Lincoln 225 cracker box welder

4000 watt Champion portable generator

Small torch w/ regulators

New in box Dewalt chop-saw

150 psi pancake air compressor

(2) portable mortar mixers, no motors

Large vise


Ratchet straps

Post driver

Portable LP tank

Dewalt chop saw

Portable air tank

Hi-lift jack


Crescent wrenches

Floor jack

Pliers, nippers

Sockets & ratchets

End wrenches

Sharpening stone

Olson mason’s tool

Misc. hardware

Pickup tool boxes

Multi fuel forced air heater

Fuel cans

Misc. shop fluids

Duraflame electric heater

Grease gun

Screw drivers

Misc. hand tools


Furniture clamps

Leather working supplies & misc. leather

Tool boxes

Dewalt drills

Makita angle grinder

Commercial worm drive saw

Schumaker battery charger booster

Radial arm saw

Chicken wire & woven wire

Older masonry tools including scaffolding walk boards, dolly, brick carriers, form boards

Metal barrels

Come alongs


Circus mallet


New & used t-posts


Wooden pack saddle

Antique high-back saddle

Older riding saddles

(2) single harnesses & other harness components

Leather chaps


Misc. tack

Iron wheels

(50) new t-posts

Scoop shovel

Galvanized cowboy bathtub

Birmingham cast iron stove

8’X16’ portable shed

Concrete blocks

Antique & modern brick

(2) antique 2-btm plows

Misc. scrap iron

Antique fertilizer spreader frame

Lawn & garden trailer


Antique skillet

Cast iron pot

Cast iron skillets

Shovels, rakes & hoes

Stihl TS400 concrete saw

Antique iron wheel McCormack sickle mower

Antique horse drawn plows

Antique kitchen knives

Celtic Elite bowie knife

Misc. ammo

Misc. old ammo

Bullets & brass

Ammo cans

Antique drop-front secretary

Antique sausage grinder

Antique hand crank grinder

Gun magazines & reference books

Leather saddle bags

Military sleeping bags

Canvas tarps

Oak TV stand

Antique farm implements

Owner: Dave Mason Estate


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